How to Protect Yourself From Stray Dogs While Walking

However, note that the peels might attract rodents and other critters, and they can be unsightly when used on a public-facing portion of your yard. If you want to avoid this, lightly spritz citrus essential oil where you want to repel dogs instead. But don't get too heavy-handed with it, as citrus can be somewhat toxic to dogs. Using white vinegar is typically the most inexpensive option, but any vinegar will do. You can use it straight or dilute it down to as much as a vinegar-water solution in a spray bottle.

how to keep stray dogs away from home

For the bait to meet and respect these criteria you must place it behind the trigger rod, towards the end of the trap, as far away from its walls as possible. It is recommended to wear gloves to avoid transferring the odour, as any traces of human odour can diminish the chances of catching the dog in the trap. To facilitate the meeting of a lost dog with its owner.

How To Keep Your Dog From Running Away

Do not place traps when there are extreme weather conditions, such as frost, heat, wind, rain or snow. Therefore, carefully place the trap in the open position. Always follow the specific instructions of the chosen trap. Spray Nasty Odors Your vegetable garden is a salad bar for your dog. To keep him away, spray plants with pungent white vinegar or apple bitter.

Having your female neutered is an excellent way to keep canine Romeos from paying a social call to your backyard. Problems get worse if you have a female dog; she will draw a large number of suitors. A final difficulty is that stray dogs will defecate on your property and create eye sores. You have to have a means of keeping away from your house. If you have a dog you may also get some unwanted guests.

How To Catch A Dog That Runs Away From You

This dog repellent works by emitting sonic and ultrasonic sound waves that canines find offensive (but humans can't hear). Mount it on an outdoor storage shed, tree, or fence near where stray dogs tend to roam. The units typically have a plug or run on batteries. There are numerous dog repellent sprays on the market.

how to keep stray dogs away from home

Osama Maghawri is the founder and CEO of OneStopK9 Dog Training in Miami, Florida. He works on obedience and behavioral issues such as resource guarding, fear-based aggression, and leash reactivity in order to solve basic problems. When your dog wanders outside, reward him with treats so that he returns. We’d like to extend a small thank you, so we’re offering a $30 gift card (available at as a token of appreciation. You can try out new products and services for free across the country.

How to deal with wild animals?

Some scary dogs will bark; others may be completely silent. These dogs may charge toward you, stop about 1-2 feet in front of you and bark. Other times, aggressive dogs will stand a couple of feet away, while barking, and bite when you turn around. For your front yard, you might only need a short picket fence that is just restrictive enough to keep curious canines off your property.

how to keep stray dogs away from home

They are typically safe and quiet, and they use little electricity to do the job. Beware, though, that motion-activated gadgets can set off any time they sense motion, even human movement. So you might not want to use them in high-traffic areas for people. A natural plant barrier can be effective to keep dogs away from your yard.

Try to use the easiest and least expensive means first. Strays are attracted to a food source and you shouldn’t feed your dog outside. That way, other dogs are not attracted by the scent. Female dogs will give off a particular odor in their urine when they are in heat.

Once you’re safely away, call animal control with a description of the dog. If this dog has a pet owner, she’ll immediately contact her local animal control first. Stray dogs can certainly bite, but more than likely they’ll be injured by a passing car instead.

Dog Repellent Plants

Motion-activated sprinklers are not only designed to water your lawn but also to scare off any visiting critters, including dogs, cats, and raccoons. Set these sprinklers up along the perimeter of your lawn or at any specific spot where visiting strays frequently do their business. As the dog passes in front of the sprinkler, the motion will set it the sensors, triggering a quick spray of water. This spray is enough to startle most dogs and send them scurrying away.

how to keep stray dogs away from home

Plus, having something sprayed in their eyes will cause them to stop and paw at their faces. Citronella spray won’t permanently harm a dog, but it will stop a dog from charging toward you, so you can safely get away. Most friendly dogs will follow you around, so if you’re walking in a neighborhood, knock on a few doors and ask if anyone recognizes the loose dog. When walking in a park, ask fellow walkers and runners if they’ve seen the dog before. If no one claims the dog, give animal control a call and stay with the dog until they arrive.

How to keep stray dogs away from house?

Sometimes strays aren’t homeless dogs at all – they’re just free-roaming dogs that might be owned by your neighbors. See if you can figure out who the owner is – you might be able to see the owner’s phone number on the dog’s collar or you might recognize the dog. Dealing with stray dogs that wander into your yard can be both annoying and dangerous, especially if you have pets of your own.

how to keep stray dogs away from home

You can use home remedies for dog repellent, as well as commercial products. But some, such as the scents that will keep dogs away, must be reapplied on a regular basis. You can also spray your lawn with vinegar to keep dogs away, but use it sparingly since it might damage your plants. Also, try planting some lavender or prickly shrubbery around the perimeter of your lawn to act as a natural dog repellent.

High Tech Dog Toys To Keep Your Dog’s Brain Busy

Store-bought dog repellents can get pricey because they need to be reapplied often. So read the labels carefully to make sure they are safe to use around your home. Like a motion-activated sonic device, a motion-activated sprayer will turn on when strays enter your yard. Spraying dogs with water is a eco-friendly option for keeping strays out of your yard. When you have a dog that escapes from the house, it can be irritating and dangerous for your dog.

Just pour some vinegar into a spray bottle and walk the perimeter of your yard, spraying the grass as you go. These products usually come as sprays or powders, and you can often find them at pet shops and garden supply stores. Others actually smell like the urine of the predators and will thus scare dogs away.


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